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Before Christmas, a father and his two kids (5 & 3) read in bed. STACKS of Dr. Seuss books sit nearby. Kids not tired. Dad YAWNS, finishes reading. Current book is placed on top of others.
And that’s Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I Am. Alright, time to hit the hay.
Aww. Come on daddy. We’re not tired. One more story. We want to know more about Chris and Wally. It’s almost Christmas.
OK, but only if you close your eyes. Last time I told you about them you stayed awake all night.
(excited) Did you get to see them again this year?
I did. But you have to promise not to say anything, that means you too Josh.
(nods and sucks thumb) Whose C’wis and Wawwy?
We met them at the mall last year. Remember? Oh, that’s right, you were still in a stroller.
Come on daddy. Please!
Go turn off the light.
Daughter turns off light in bedroom. Dad lays in bed with son.
Last year, mom wanted me to take you to the mall. I had to work late, but I rushed home as quickly as I could. That’s when we met Chris and Wally, the Kringle Brothers, who told us all their secrets how they deliver Christmas presents around the world.
See Joshie! I told you we met Santa and Wally.
Kids lay in bed waiting for story to continue. Dad closes his eyes and continues...
Red Model T? Wall Street? New York City? Could these be clues?
Everyone loves Macaulay Culkin. Santa loves director and producer Christopher Columbus, not only for his name but because he's one of the good people in Hollywood. Besides for directing Home Alone, Mr. Columbus also did the first two Harry Potter movies along with plenty of other blockbuster hits. He's one of Santa's favorite people because "he loves Christmas," according to sources.
Chris Kringle thinks Will Ferrell is one of the funniest people on the planet. Little do most people know that Will Ferrell made his way to the North Pole to see how the real Elves dress before making this hysterical comedy. On a side note— Wally and Mr. Ferrell are friends, even though they argue sometimes.
An all time-favorite at the North Pole. Every time Chris and Wally watch this movie they laugh harder and harder. Before making this movie, Chris and Wally tried to tell Mr. Griswald that you cannot hook up thousands of lights to a single power supply, but Mr. Griswald didn't want to listen. The Griswalds' are lucky they didn't burn their house down.
Chris and Wally meet George and Mary Bailey several times during the filming of this movie in 1946. The writing of this iconic film is incredible. Here's a SANTA SECRET- Remember the suitcase and the quote: "I'm gonna see the world."
An all-time classic where Chris and Wally were on set after World War II. Little do people know that Chris Kringle did work in a department store during this time, and Wally shared this information with Valentine Davies who told the story. There is more truth here than people realize.
One of the greatest Christmas movies of all time which everyone needs to see. Little do people know that Fred Astaire gave Chris Kringle dancing lessons for his Hawaiian wedding in 1957. Fred and the Kringle brothers are friends.
Mrs. Claus loves action and adventure. She's always had an attraction to men who can save the day and do nice things for people.
Mrs. Claus loves this stop motion television special. It holds a special place in her heart. Little do people know that Julianna Kringle had a crush on (the Postman) Fred Astaire in real life.
Another James Steward classic. If you haven't seen this romantic comedy, it's Mrs. Claus' favorite of all time.
The Elves love this story. They just wish they could have showed how reindeer have "hollow bones" like birds— which is how they can fly.
The Elves are scared of the Grinch. The young Elflings will only watch this movie with their parents.
Because it's true— "Magical Things" happen at the North Pole. If you can't tell— the Elves love animation!
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Released Christmas Day (12/25//24). This year's video explains the TOP 5 QUESTIONS (with answers) that curious little ones have about Santa. Hope you were good this year. Have a wonderful 2025. See you next year, maybe when you're sleeping.